Alaskan Bush People: What Happened And Why Was It Cancelled?


Why was "Alaskan Bush People" cancelled?

"Alaskan Bush People" was a reality television series that aired on the Discovery Channel. The show followed the Brown family, who lived a remote and isolated lifestyle in the Alaskan wilderness. The show was cancelled in 2021 after 11 seasons.

There are several reasons why the show may have been cancelled. One reason is that the show's ratings had declined in recent years. Another reason is that the show had been criticized for being fake and for exploiting the Brown family. Additionally, the show's production was reportedly very expensive.

Despite the cancellation, the Brown family continues to live in the Alaskan wilderness. They have their own website and social media accounts, where they share updates on their lives.

The cancellation of "Alaskan Bush People" is a reminder that even the most popular television shows can come to an end. It is also a reminder that reality television is not always what it seems.

Alaskan Bush People Cancelled

The cancellation of "Alaskan Bush People" in 2021 raised questions about the reasons behind the decision. Here are six key aspects that shed light on the cancellation:

  • Ratings decline: The show's ratings had been declining in recent years, which may have contributed to the decision to cancel it.
  • Criticism: The show had been criticized for being fake and for exploiting the Brown family, which may have also influenced the decision to cancel it.
  • Production costs: The show's production was reportedly very expensive, which may have been another factor in the decision to cancel it.
  • Family's decision: The Brown family has stated that they were the ones who decided to end the show, suggesting that they may have felt that it was time to move on.
  • Discovery Channel's decision: Ultimately, the decision to cancel the show was made by the Discovery Channel, which may have had its own reasons for doing so.
  • Future plans: The Brown family has said that they plan to continue living in the Alaskan wilderness and sharing their story with their fans through other means, such as their website and social media accounts.

These six key aspects provide a comprehensive understanding of the cancellation of "Alaskan Bush People." While the show may be over, the Brown family's story continues, and their fans can continue to follow them on their new adventures.

Ratings decline

The decline in ratings for "Alaskan Bush People" is a significant factor that may have contributed to its cancellation. Ratings are a key indicator of a show's popularity and success, and a decline in ratings can signal to a network that a show is no longer attracting a large enough audience to justify its continued production.

  • Competition: The reality television landscape is highly competitive, and "Alaskan Bush People" faced competition from other popular shows in its timeslot. This competition may have contributed to the show's declining ratings.
  • Changing viewing habits: In recent years, there has been a shift in how people consume television content. Streaming services and on-demand viewing have become increasingly popular, and this may have led to a decline in viewership for traditional television shows like "Alaskan Bush People."
  • Lack of innovation: Some critics have argued that "Alaskan Bush People" became stale and repetitive in recent seasons. The show's format and storylines may have become predictable, leading to a decline in viewer interest.

The decline in ratings for "Alaskan Bush People" is a reminder that even popular shows can be cancelled if they fail to maintain a strong audience. Networks are constantly evaluating their programming lineup and making decisions about which shows to renew and which shows to cancel. Declining ratings are a major factor in these decisions.


The criticism that "Alaskan Bush People" was fake and exploitative was a significant factor that may have contributed to its cancellation. Networks are increasingly sensitive to criticism of their programming, and they are less likely to renew shows that are perceived negatively by the public.

  • Public backlash: The criticism of "Alaskan Bush People" generated a significant amount of public backlash, which may have put pressure on the Discovery Channel to cancel the show.
  • Loss of credibility: The allegations that the show was fake and exploitative damaged the credibility of "Alaskan Bush People" and the Brown family. This loss of credibility may have made it difficult for the show to attract new viewers and retain existing viewers.
  • Network reputation: The Discovery Channel is a reputable network that values its brand. The criticism of "Alaskan Bush People" may have damaged the network's reputation, which may have influenced the decision to cancel the show.

The cancellation of "Alaskan Bush People" is a reminder that networks are paying attention to criticism of their programming. Shows that are perceived negatively by the public are less likely to be renewed, regardless of their ratings.

Production costs

The high production costs of "Alaskan Bush People" were a significant factor in its cancellation. Reality television shows can be expensive to produce, and "Alaskan Bush People" was no exception. The show's remote location and the need for specialized equipment and crew contributed to its high production costs.

In addition to the high production costs, the show's ratings had been declining in recent years. This decline in ratings may have made it difficult for the Discovery Channel to justify the continued production of the show, given its high costs.

The cancellation of "Alaskan Bush People" is a reminder that even popular shows can be cancelled if they are too expensive to produce. Networks are constantly evaluating their programming lineup and making decisions about which shows to renew and which shows to cancel. Production costs are a major factor in these decisions.

Family's decision

The Brown family's decision to end "Alaskan Bush People" is a significant development in the show's history. The show had been on the air for 11 seasons, and it had become a popular reality television series. However, the Brown family has stated that they felt it was time to move on to other things.

  • Desire for a more private life: The Brown family has stated that they wanted to live a more private life, away from the cameras. They felt that the show had become too intrusive, and they wanted to focus on their family and their relationships.
  • New projects and opportunities: The Brown family has also stated that they have a number of new projects and opportunities that they want to pursue. They felt that the show was holding them back from exploring these new opportunities.
  • Time for a change: After 11 seasons, the Brown family may have simply felt that it was time for a change. They may have felt that the show had run its course, and they were ready for a new challenge.

The Brown family's decision to end "Alaskan Bush People" is a reminder that even the most popular television shows can come to an end. Families and individuals change over time, and their priorities change as well. The Brown family has decided that it is time for them to move on to a new chapter in their lives.

Discovery Channel's decision

The Discovery Channel's decision to cancel "Alaskan Bush People" was a significant event in the history of the show. The show had been on the air for 11 seasons, and it had become a popular reality television series. However, the Discovery Channel ultimately decided to cancel the show, and there were several reasons for this decision.

One reason for the Discovery Channel's decision to cancel the show was the show's declining ratings. The show's ratings had been declining in recent years, and this may have led the Discovery Channel to believe that the show was no longer worth the investment. Another reason for the Discovery Channel's decision to cancel the show was the show's high production costs. The show was filmed in a remote location, and this made it expensive to produce. The Discovery Channel may have felt that the show's production costs were too high, and this may have been a factor in the decision to cancel the show.

The Discovery Channel's decision to cancel "Alaskan Bush People" is a reminder that even popular television shows can be cancelled. Networks are constantly evaluating their programming lineup, and they make decisions about which shows to renew and which shows to cancel based on a variety of factors, including ratings and production costs.

The cancellation of "Alaskan Bush People" is also a reminder that the television landscape is constantly changing. New shows are constantly being created, and old shows are constantly being cancelled. This is a natural part of the television industry, and it is something that viewers should be aware of.

Future plans

The cancellation of "Alaskan Bush People" does not mean that the Brown family is disappearing from the public eye. The family has stated that they plan to continue living in the Alaskan wilderness and sharing their story with their fans through other means, such as their website and social media accounts.

  • Continued connection with fans: The Brown family has a loyal following of fans who have enjoyed watching their adventures on "Alaskan Bush People." The family's continued presence on social media and their website will allow them to stay connected with their fans and share updates on their lives.
  • Control over their narrative: By sharing their story through their own channels, the Brown family will have more control over their narrative. They will be able to share their story on their own terms, without the constraints of a television show.
  • New opportunities: The Brown family's website and social media accounts will give them the opportunity to explore new projects and opportunities. They may share their thoughts on current events, promote their own products, or even start a new business.

The Brown family's future plans are a reminder that there is life after reality television. The family is excited to continue sharing their story with their fans, and they are looking forward to the new opportunities that lie ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions about "Alaskan Bush People" Cancellation

The cancellation of "Alaskan Bush People" has raised a number of questions among fans and viewers. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions, along with their answers:

Question 1: Why was "Alaskan Bush People" cancelled?

There were a number of factors that contributed to the cancellation of "Alaskan Bush People." These factors included declining ratings, criticism of the show for being fake and exploitative, and the high cost of production. Additionally, the Brown family has stated that they were the ones who decided to end the show.

Question 2: Is it true that "Alaskan Bush People" was fake?

There have been allegations that "Alaskan Bush People" was fake and that the Brown family did not actually live the isolated lifestyle that was portrayed on the show. However, the Brown family has denied these allegations and has stated that the show was an accurate portrayal of their lives.

Question 3: What are the Brown family's plans for the future?

The Brown family has stated that they plan to continue living in the Alaskan wilderness and sharing their story with their fans through other means, such as their website and social media accounts.

Question 4: Will there be another season of "Alaskan Bush People"?

At this time, there are no plans for another season of "Alaskan Bush People." The show has been cancelled by the Discovery Channel.

Question 5: Can I still watch "Alaskan Bush People"?

Yes, you can still watch "Alaskan Bush People" on streaming services such as Discovery+ and Amazon Prime Video.

Question 6: What are some other shows similar to "Alaskan Bush People"?

If you enjoyed watching "Alaskan Bush People," you may also enjoy watching other shows about families living in remote or isolated locations, such as "Mountain Men" and "Life Below Zero."

We hope this FAQ has answered some of your questions about the cancellation of "Alaskan Bush People." Thank you for your interest in the show and the Brown family.

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The cancellation of "Alaskan Bush People" in 2021 marked the end of an era for reality television. The show, which followed the Brown family's remote and isolated lifestyle in the Alaskan wilderness, had been a popular hit for 11 seasons. However, declining ratings, criticism of the show for being fake and exploitative, and the high cost of production all contributed to the decision to cancel the show.

While the cancellation of "Alaskan Bush People" is a disappointment for fans of the show, it is important to remember that the Brown family is still living in the Alaskan wilderness and sharing their story with their fans through other means, such as their website and social media accounts. The family's decision to end the show is a reminder that there is life after reality television, and that families and individuals can change and grow over time.

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